r/learntyping on getting over my hump

I’m a little stuck with my “learn to type fluidly“. My speed doesn’t seem to be improving, but is stable at around 59 to 60 wpm.

So, I went to the subreddit r/learntyping, and searched for “plateau” to see what advise came up.

Here are some of the answers / suggestions offered to folks who are stuck at various speeds:

Since your accuracy is pretty high, try focusing more on speed for the next few days. Then try and maintain your new speed while improving accuracy (slow a little and improve accuracy then increase it a little and repeat).

wizardpaninis, here

The brain needs time for what you learn to sink in. You can brute force it to an extent to begin with but a plateau is pretty common. You’ll probably notice after a month or two that a boost will seemingly come out of nowhere. In the mean time you don’t really need to spend an hour a day. I would cut it back to maybe 10-15mins and if you must, do several short sessions instead of one long one.

if you have problems, go to 10fastfingers, sellect custom and put a lot of words that make you use that pinky until you eventually get better
Push yourself, try to go fast no matter how many mistakes you make. Then after a while go slow a bit and focus on accuracy. And then go for speed again.
Honestly bro… just keep doing sites like 10ff and typeracer. Practice builds slowly. I was typing at 53 wpm last year. I now type at like 100. Keep it up.
If there’s any theme here, it seems to be alternation between speed and accuracy practice. So one thing that I could try is to do both speed and accuracy practice each day, and see if that causes improvement.
Another thing that I could do is back up, and focus on spelling / accurately typing words that I regularly mess up.
I could practice “pivoting” my right hand to hit keys like 9, 0, -, and ; (p on QWERTY) with my pinky finger, as is proper instead of using my ring finger.
I could Figure out what keys I’m weakest on, and do exercises that focus on those keys.

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