Squats made a big difference

I’ve been feeling kind of…off, for months. My life isn’t going how I want it to go, in that I’m not producing very much, and nothing seems that exciting, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

Today, I was going to write up a post outlining the new policy set that I’m adopting to break out of that rut. And I probably will write up that post later this week. BUT…

I did weighted squats, for the first time in more than six months today. Not much weight, just 6 5-rep sets of 135 lbs.

But pretty much immediately I felt more energized and alive, and I sat down and churned through some stuff. I felt as “go get em” as I remember myself usually feeling, but in a way that I haven’t felt in months. I’m also on track to ship multiple things today, which also hasn’t happened in months.

I don’t know why this was.

Maybe the exercise of doing squats hits the psychological benefits of physical exercise for me in a way that the other exercises that I have been doing (including deadlifts) doesn’t? Or maybe I just needed to mix it up, and the problem was that I was acclimated to my current exercise routine.

Nevertheless, I’m going to start doing squats ~ every other day, and see how much that alone boosts my mood, my time-spent-making-progress, and my productivity.

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